Thursday, March 8, 2007


Sometimes in life we all take a minute to stop and think WHY? Why did I bother getting out of bed today? Why did I wear these pants? Why is that person talking to themself? Why does transit seem to go slower when your in a rush? Why, Why, Why? Who really knows. I sure don't. Sometimes the answers come quickly, 'I wore the pants becuase they were clean' or ' That person is using a bluetooth' and sometimes they either come slowly or not at all.
So I want to ask questions about buffets! Maybe someone will have the answers, maybe they won't and they will go unaswered for a lifetime, or unitl I can figure them out.

Here are my qustions, if anyone knows the answer leave a post to enlighten the world.

  • Why is it called a buffet?
  • How do they figure out how much each person will eat?
  • Why does everyone at the Mandarin say 'Welcome to Mandrin' as I walk by
  • Who is responsible for putting the labels over each dish?
  • And why do they get it wrong sometime?
  • What do they do with the food at the end of the night?

Monday, March 5, 2007

Trying Something New..Review..

Finally a new buffet has opened up. It was previously a Tuckers Marketplace, and for whatever reason it failed, and was recently transformed into T Grillhouse buffet. It's a western themed buffet, which rings near and dear to my inner cowboy. They haven't really changed much of the decor but T Grillhouse has something that I have never seen before in a buffet. The restaurant doesn't really have a host/hostess stand, but a cash. After the cashier/hostess asks how many in your party they also ask what you would like to drink. Because you order your drink straight off the bat. Which in my opinion is a good idea because they hit you right away for cash. Then insted of showing you to your, table they give you the number for your table tell you where it is. A little different, but kind of interesting none the less that could catch on at other buffets.

I've complied all of the things that were said about the restaurant from my best friends and my girlfriend and combined it all together into one, sort of review sort of social commentary. Enjoy!

Before we had really dived into the food we all wondered if we had to leave a tip? At most places you get the bill at the end of your meal, and toss in the tip there. But since we had already paid, what do we do? Well one of my friends just asked a server, and they said to just leave a tip on the table. But after some carful oberservation, we noticed that some people weren't leaving tips (Cheap bastards)In the end, we left a tip!
After we had all dug into the food, the reviews were comming in fast and furious from everyone. People that had the grilled steak, really enjoyed it because they were able to get it to there personal liking, which is nice to find, because at most places it's usally rare or well done. The faijate station was really good, except there was no chicken availible. Only variations of beef. on the mention of chicken, there were 2 kinds, roasted and teriakyi. Both tasted the same! Why bother putting 2 different kinds when the both taste the same? I personally enjoyed the roasted pork, the warm apple sauce completed it for me.
There seemed to be a few more negitive comments then postive. The big thing that everyone agreed on was that the dessert bar sucked. There were only 5 differnts items, none of which stood out from the rest. The rice krispy squares weren't all that bad. But they had no good jello. It was only some orange gooey thing on a plate, insted of the nice firm squares that I know and love.
Overall it was an interesting experience. And I'm glad I was able to share it with my nearest and dearest friends. Will I go back? Sure I'll go back, they have steak and eggs on Saturday and Sunday for $9. I will also give lunch a whirl sometime soon to see if it's any better or worse.

Food: 7/10 Service: 6/10 Number of trips# 9

Happy Eating